Fall-Winter 2015 - 2016                                                                   

Next Talk: February 17, Angel Yanagihara,  From Beach to Bench and Back: The Science of the Box Jellyfish Sting

All Colloquia will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Building 3 (Goett) auditorium, except as noted.

If you would like to attend and do not have a NASA badge, please contact the Scientific Colloquium at (301) 286-8168, more than 48 hours beforehand. Use the same contact information to be added to our mailing list.  Access to Goddard Space Flight Center is limited to those holding Goddard badges or official visitors.  You can become an official visitor by finding a badged Goddard employee to escort you.  The Scientific Colloquium Committee cannot promise to provide escorts. 

The Goddard Library has made streaming video available for most of our recent colloquia -- click on the V in the column to the right of the topic.  Some videos are also available for Spring 2015, Fall 2014, Spring 2014, Fall 2013, Spring 2013, Fall 2012, Spring 2012, Fall 2011, Spring 2011, Fall 2010Spring 2010Fall 2009, Spring 2009, Fall 2008, Spring 2008,  Fall 2007Spring 2007Fall 2006Spring 2006,  Fall 2005, Spring 2005, Fall 2004, Spring 2004Fall 2003,  Spring 2003, Fall 2002, Spring 2002, Fall 2001, Spring 2001, and Fall 2000.

Current Schedule

Date Speaker Affiliation Title Video
Sept. 23
Multiple speakers Goddard Space Flight Center
50 Years of the Goddard Scientific Colloquium
(includes links to colloquium history)

Sept. 30 James Acker Goddard Space Flight Center
Rise of the Machines: Computational Power and the History of NASA's Ocean Color Missions

Oct. 7
Steve Snowden
The Soft X-ray Diffuse Background - Nearly 50 Years of Progress

Oct. 14
Chryssa Kouveliotou George Washington University The State of Magnetars
Oct. 21
Geoff Chester
U.S. Naval Observatory
The U.S. Naval Observatory: Time Standards and Daylight Time
Oct. 28
No Colloquium

Nov. 4
Julie Segre
National Institutes of Health
In Good Company: Human Microbial Ecosystems
Nov. 11
No Colloquium

Nov. 18
Wolfgang Ketterle Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ultracold Atoms as Quantum Simulators for New Materials - Optical Lattices, Synthetic Magnetic Fields and Topological Phases
Dec. 2 To be Announced

The Legacy of ASTRO-1 (STS-35): 25 Years Later

Dec. 9
Ellen Williams
Department of Energy
Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy: Innovation for Impact

Dec. 10

Joan Schmelz
University of Memphis
Why So Few? Growth Mindset, Stereotype Threat, and Spatial Skills

Dec. 16, 23, 30, Jan. 6
No Colloquia

Jan. 13
Nathan Kurtz
Goddard Space Flight Center
To the Ends of the Earth: Surveys of Polar Ice from Operation IceBridge

Jan. 20
Paul Markowski
Pennsylvania State University
How to Make a Tornado: Ideas Emerging from Decades of Theory, Simulation, and Field Observations
Jan. 27
Harvey Moseley Goddard Space Flight Center
Exploration, Discovery, and Technology in Space Astrophysics

Feb. 3
Jeremy Schnittman Goddard Space Flight Center The Science of Interstellar: Thoughts on the Habitability of Planets Orbiting Black Holes

Feb. 10
Adam Szabo Goddard Space Flight Center The Two Faces of a Spacecraft: Both Earth and Space Science Observations by the DSCOVR Spacecraft
Feb. 17
Angel Yanagihara
University of Hawaii
From Beach to Bench and Back: The Science of the Box Jellyfish Sting
Feb. 24
Holly Gilbert
Goddard Space Flight Center
Fifty Shades of Magnetism - The Secret Life of Solar Prominences

Feb. 26

Jordan Camp
Goddard Space Flight Center
LIGO Detection of Gravitational Waves
Mar. 2
Jessica Miesel
Michigan State University
Fires in the Wild West: Forest Carbon, Black Carbon and Post-fire Nutrient Dynamics

Other Information

Other Colloquia at Goddard

Scientific Colloquium Committee

Richard Barry
Jim Foster Alexander Marshak Dong Wu Richard Ray, emeritus
Anand Bhatia George Huffman Michelle Thaller Pawan Bhartia, emeritus Ed Sittler, emeritus
Peter Colarco
Demos Kazanas Dave Thompson, Chair Padi Boyd, emeritus
Carlos Del Castillo Hans Krimm Melissa Trainer Conor Nixon, emeritus

Previous Schedules: Fall 1998, Spring 1999,Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003,
Spring 2004, Fall 2004,  Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2006,  Fall 2006Spring 2007,  Fall 2007,  Spring 2008,  Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Fall 2010 Spring 2011 Fall 2011  Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013Fall 2013, Spring 2014,  Fall 2014Spring 2015

Listing of Colloquium Speakers 1965-2014 (alphabetic by name)

Listing of Colloquium Speakers 1965-2014 (chronological)

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