Selecting Speakers for the Scientific Colloquium Series

The Scientific Colloquium Purpose
The Scientific Colloquium brings speakers on topics of broad interest to
the Goddard and Washington area scientific communities, not limited to
topics in the earth and space sciences but covering the whole range of
scientific endeavor.

Our Selection Procedure
In early December and early May, the members of the Scientific Colloquium Committee
submit nominations for the Spring and Fall-Winter series.  These nominations are
discussed at a meeting of the full Colloquium Committee.  Criteria for recommending speakers

  • scientific importance of the topic
  • broad interest in the topic
  • ability of the speaker to convey the subject to a general audience
  • timeliness of the proposed topic
  • Except for the Nordberg and Lindsay Lecturers, speakers can only be invited from North America.
    The chairman/chairwoman of the Committee  prepares a ballot, and all the Committee
    members rank their choices for speakers.  Invitations are then issued to the highest-ranking
    candidates. With the vast array of excellent speakers to choose from, some excellent nominees
    are invariably not selected.

    Anyone is invited to submit names of possible speakers, either to one of the Colloquium
    Committee members, or through the Comments section of the Web site.

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    Last Updated: Wednesday-June-26 09:00:00
    Curator: David J. Thompson
    Responsible NASA Official: David J. Thompson
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