Scientific Colloquium
March 30, 2016, 3:30 p.m., Building 3 Auditorium
"Fires in
the Wild West: Forest Carbon, Black Carbon and Post-fire
Nutrient Dynamics"
The size and severity of
wildfires is expected to continue to increase in many forests
around the globe. Because a major portion of terrestrial
ecosystem carbon is stored in forest ecosystems, a shift in fire
regimes has potential for major impact to the global carbon
cycle. Some portion of carbon is stabilized during fires as
chemically aromatic “black carbon” which has a long residence
time in the environment and can influence soil physical,
chemical and biological properties in ways that are likely to
affect post-fire forest recovery. However, current understanding
of the amount and distribution of black carbon in burned forests
remains limited. I will summarize the state of knowledge about
wildfire-produced black carbon, its stability in the
environment, and its contribution to post-fire forest C pools
and soil ecosystem properties. I will present results from my
research in contrasting temperate coniferous forest types in the
continental United States, and will discuss current information
needs and challenges in understanding forest and soil ecosystem
response to fire.
About the Speaker:
Jessica Miesel is an Assistant Professor in Forestry at Michigan
State University, where her research in fire ecology and soil
biogeochemistry focuses on the role of pyrogenic carbon in
forest soil ecosystem processes. She is an elected member of
Board of Directors for the Association for Fire Ecology, and
serves as a co-PI on the Lake States Fire Science Consortium,
which works to facilitate fire science information exchange
between the fire research and management communities of the Lake
States region.
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