Scientific Colloquium
January 20, 2016, 3:30 p.m., Building 3 Auditorium
"How to Make a Tornado:
Ideas Emerging from Decades of Theory, Simulation, and Field
Observations "
I will examine the mechanisms
of tornadogenesis within atmospheric convection, particularly
supercell thunderstorms, which are responsible for virtually all
strong tornadoes. I also will discuss some of the ideas emerging
from the recently completely Second Verification of the Origin
of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment (VORTEX2), as well as
directions for future research.
About the Speaker:
Paul Markowski is a Professor of Meteorology at the Pennsylvania
State University, where he specializes in severe storms
research. He is the recipient of the AMS' Meisinger Award, the
NWA�s Fujita Award, the ESSL�s Dotzek Award, the AMS Editor�s
Award, and NSF�s CAREER Award. He also co-organized the second
Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment
(VORTEX2), has co-authored a textbook (Mesoscale Meteorology in
Midlatitudes), and serves as Chief Editor of Weather and
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