Fall - Winter 2012-2013
The Fall-Winter series has concluded.
All Colloquia will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Fridays
in the Building 3 (Goett) auditorium, except
as noted.
If you would like to attend and do not have a NASA badge, please contact the Scientific Colloquium at (301) 286-0660 or by e-mail (click here), more than 48 hours beforehand. Use the same contact information to be added to our mailing list. Access to Goddard Space Flight Center is limited to those holding Goddard badges or official visitors. You can become an official visitor by finding a badged Goddard employee to escort you. The Scientific Colloquium Committee cannot promise to provide escorts.
The Goddard Library has made streaming video available for most of our recent colloquia -- click on the V in the column to the right of the topic. Due to speakers' authorizations, some videos are not playable outside Goddard. Please note: connection speeds lower than 56 K may be able to handle only the audio portion of the transmission. Some videos are also available for Spring 2012, Fall 2011, Spring 2011, Fall 2010, Spring 2010, Fall 2009, Spring 2009, Fall 2008, Spring 2008, Fall 2007, Spring 2007, Fall 2006, Spring 2006, Fall 2005, Spring 2005, Fall 2004, Spring 2004, Fall 2003, Spring 2003, Fall 2002, Spring 2002, Fall 2001, Spring 2001, and Fall 2000.
Current Schedule
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Video |
Sept. 28 |
Spiro Antiochos Alice Harding |
Goddard Space Flight Center |
LECTURE The Structure and Dynamics of Stellar Magnetospheres |
V |
Oct. 5 |
Philip Mackowiak |
University of Maryland School of
Medicine Veterans Administration |
and the Sound that Failed |
V |
Oct. 12 |
Athena Coustenis | Paris-Meudon Observatory |
ICy moons Explorer (JUICE): The
First Large ESA Cosmic Vision
Mission |
V |
Oct. 19 |
D J Patil | Greylock Partners |
Science and
Industry -- Lessons from LinkedIn,
Facebook, Google, and All those
Other Companies in Silicon Valley Co-Sponsored by the Information Science and Technology Colloquium Series |
V |
Oct. 26 |
James Slavin | University of Michigan |
Observations of Extreme Space
Weather in Mercury's Magnetosphere |
V |
Nov. 2 |
Rebecca Saxe |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | How We Think about Other People's Thoughts | V |
Nov. 9 |
Lucianne Walkowicz |
Princeton University |
Magnetic Activity with Kepler:
Understanding Exoplanets in Light
of their Host Stars |
V |
THURS Nov. 15 4:00 p.m. BLDG 8 |
Douglas Finkbeiner |
Harvard University |
Galactic Center 130 GeV Line: WIMP
V |
Nov. 23 |
No Colloquium |
Nov. 30 |
Richard Kelley | Goddard Space Flight Center |
The Thermal Detection of Energy Quanta | V |
Dec. 7 |
Scott Hubbard |
Stanford University |
Mars: Following the Water |
V |
Dec. 14 |
Rick Potts |
Smithsonian Institution |
Trends in Paleoanthropology |
V |
Dec. 21, 28 Jan. 4, 2013 |
No Colloquia |
Jan. 11 |
Doug Tallamy | University of Delaware | Bringing Nature Home | V |
Jan. 18 |
Matthew Rodell | Goddard Space Flight Center | Monitoring
Groundwater from Space |
V |
Jan. 25 |
David Sibeck |
Goddard Space Flight Center |
ARTEMIS: Past Successes and Future
Prospects |
V |
Feb. 1 |
Ray Stanford |
Life in a
Dinosaur-Dominated Environment:
Examining Life in Maryland's Early
Cretaceous (~ 110 Million Years
Ago) |
V |
Feb. 8 |
Sarah Gibson | National Center for Atmospheric Research | Magnetism
and the Invisible Man: The
Mysteries of Coronal Cavities
V |
Feb. 15 |
Dan Baker | University of Colorado |
The Van Allen Belts |
Feb. 22 |
Francis Halzen |
University of
Wisconsin |
Neutrino Results from
IceCube |
Other Information
- Suggestions or comments about the Goddard Scientific Colloquium? Click here.
- How speakers are selected for the Goddard Scientific Colloquium
- Scientific Colloquium Committee Charter
- Winners of the John C. Lindsay Memorial Award
- Winners
of the William Nordberg Memorial
Other Colloquia at Goddard
Scientific Colloquium
Pawan Bhartia |
Molly Brown | Hans Krimm | Dave Thompson, Chair |
Padi Boyd | Jim Foster | Conor Nixon | Richard Ray, emeritus |
Scott Braun | Demos Kazanas | Ann Parsons | Ed Sittler, emeritus |
Eric Brown de Coulston |
Larry Kepko | Michelle Thaller |
Previous Schedules: Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003,
2004, Fall
2004, Spring 2005,
Fall 2005, Spring 2006,
Fall 2006,
Spring 2007,
Fall 2007,
Spring 2008,
Fall 2008 Spring 2009
Fall 2009 Spring 2010
Fall 2010 Spring 2011
2011 Spring
Listing of
Colloquium Speakers 1965-2011
(alphabetic by name)