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Spring 2005 - the series has concluded.  Watch for the Fall series.

The Goddard Library has made streaming video available for some colloquia by clicking on the V in the column to the right of the topic.  Due to speakers' authorizations, some videos are not playable outside Goddard.  Please note: connection speeds lower than 56 K may be able to handle only the audio portion of the transmission. Some videos are also available for Fall 2004, Spring 2004Fall 2003,  Spring 2003,  Fall 2002, Spring 2002, Fall 2001, Spring 2001, and Fall 2000.
Date Speaker Affiliation Topic Video
Feb. 25 Michael Mumma
Detection and Mapping of Methane on Mars V
Mar. 4
Joshua and Ann-Lee Gilder
Kepler on Trial: The Dark Side of a Brilliant Mind
Mar. 11
Sean Brennan U.S. Geological Survey Seawater Chemistry and the Advent of Biocalcification, or the Chemical Origins of Seashells V
Mar. 18
Susan Kieffer
Univ. of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Geologic Nozzles:  Mount St. Helens, Old Faithful Geyser, and the Rapids of the Colorado River  
Mar. 25
No Colloquium  
Apr. 1
Volker Bromm
University of Texas
The First Sources of Light

Apr. 7
Carolyn Porco
Space Science Institute
Highlights from Cassini's Imaging Adventures at Saturn
Apr. 8
Sean Carroll
University of Chicago
Why is the Universe Accelerating?
Apr. 15
Jagadish Shukla
George Mason University
From Weather Prediction to Climate Prediction:  Past Accomplishments and Future Challenges V
Apr. 22
Greg Neumann
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New Perspectives on Old Impacts: The Crustal Structure of Moon and Mars
Apr. 29
John Beacom
Ohio State University
Towards First Glimpses of the Universe in Neutrinos
May 6
Drake Deming
First Light from Extrasolar Planets
May 13
Nathalie Cabrol
NASA Ames Research Center
Beyond the Mars Exploration Rover Mission: From Habitability to Life
May 20
Neil Gehrels
The Explosive Gamma Ray Bursts: First Results from Swift
May 27
Frank Shu
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
The Formation of Stars and Planetary Systems
June 3
Christopher Justice University of Maryland Global Monitoring of Fires from Space V

Suggestions or comments about the Goddard Scientific Colloquium? Click here.

How speakers are selected for the Goddard Scientific Colloquium

Other Colloquia and Seminars

Engineering Colloquia

Center Director's Colloquia

Information Science and Technology Colloquium

Goddard Scientific Colloquium Committee
Jean Cottam
Robert Knox Michael Smith
Jim Foster Vincent Salomonson George Sonneborn
Demos Kazanas Jeanne Sauber Yogesh Sud
Randy Kimble Ed Sittler
Dave Thompson, Chair.

Previous Schedules: Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003,
Spring 2004, Fall 2004

Listing of Colloquium Speakers 1965-2004 (alphabetic by name)

Listing of Colloquium Speakers 1965-2000 (chronological)

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Curator: David J. Thompson
NASA Official: David J. Thompson
Last Updated:Monday, May 30, 2005

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