Special Scientific Colloquium
June 22, 2007
"The Richness and Beauty of the Physics of
Cosmological Recombination"
Cosmological recombination at
redshift z~1500 produces ~5 photons per recombining hydrogen atom,
thereby slightly increasing the entropy of the Universe. In the
spectral bands of a few GHz and at the frequencies ~350 and ~1700 GHz
distinct features appear in the spectrum of CMB due to highly
redshifted recombinational lines of hydrogen, including H-alpha and
Ly-alpha. In the frequency range from ~1-3 GHz the predicted pattern is
absolutely unique and has no foregrounds similar in the spectral
variability. The amplitude of this variability is of the order of 100
nK and its detection requires the scanning over a broad frequency band,
while extremely successful and informative studies of CMB angular
fluctuations requires scanning on the angular coordinate. Existing and
planned CMB experiment investigating the power spectrum of CMB angular
fluctuations are achieving sensitivities on the level of 10 nK.
The challenge to detect
recombinational lines coming to us from redshift 1400 should give
direct evidence of the physical processes at very important stage of
the evolution of the Universe, details of the shape of the last
scattering surface, and opens new ways to measure the temperature of
the CMB monopole and entropy of the Universe. Obviously, the detection
of these lines will lead to crucial tests of non-standard cosmologies,
predicting tiny energy release of UV photons during the time of
recombination with the energy output on the level of 10^-9 of the CMB
energy density.
The lines under discussion are
formed in the unique physical conditions of slowly expanding extremely
low density radiation dominated plasma with negligible role of
electronic collisions and dominance of stimulated recombination and
bound-bound transitions.