Scientific Colloquium
September 28, 2016, 3:30 p.m., Building 3
"Exoplanets as Planets:
Bridging the Gap Between Observations And Modeling of
Exoplanet Atmospheres
After 20 years of discovery, we
know of thousands of planetary systems, many with multiple
planets and some that strongly resemble our own Solar System.
But we are only now beginning to achieve the detailed
observations necessary to consider the physical properties of
exoplanets beyond the basics of mass and radius. In this talk I
will provide a status update on the population of known
exoplanets, and describe the methods we are using to begin to
probe the atmospheres and surfaces of planets around nearby
stars. These observations are only able to provide a first look
at planetary properties, but we can begin to examine how models
based on our knowledge of Solar System bodies map on to these
observations. Just as important, we can look at predictions for
what future observations and telescope capabilities will be most
helpful in constraining the formation and evolution of planetary
systems, searching for habitable worlds and eventually life
among the stars.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Mandell is a scientist in the Planetary Systems Laboratory
(693); his research focuses on the characterization of
extrasolar planets and the formation and evolution of planetary
systems, with the specific goal of understanding factors that
determine whether a planetary system can form habitable planets
and what the characteristics of these planets will be. He works
on analyzing observations of transiting and directly imaged
exoplanets and circumstellar disks, as well as modeling spectra
of planetary atmospheres as well as the dynamical evolution of
planetesimals during the formation of terrestrial planets. He is
the group lead for the Exoplanet Climate Group at GSFC, and is
currently the Principal Investigator for the prototype integral
field spectrograph for the WFIRST exoplanet coronograph.
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