Scientific Colloquium
June 8, 2007
"New View of the
Plasmasphere: Results From IMAGE EUV"
In 2000, the extreme ultraviolet
(EUV) imager onboard NASA's IMAGE satellite ushered in a new era for
the plasmasphere, the relatively dense and cold plasma region at the
innermost edge of the Earth's magnetosphere. For decades after
its discovery, the plasmasphere was largely believed to be a relatively
placid, passive component of the inner magnetosphere-ionosphere
system. Starting in 2000, global images obtained by IMAGE EUV
began to reveal the critical role of the plasmasphere in the
energization and loss of more energetic particle populations such as
the ring current and outer radiation belt. Results from IMAGE EUV
have also demonstrated that storm-time erosion of the plasmasphere is a
significant space weather influence, leading to increased radiation
levels and interference with GPS signals used for navigation.
Seven years after IMAGE was launched, the new view of the plasmasphere
is of a dynamic region intimately connected to the fate of other
particle populations.