Scientific Colloquium
March 8, 2023, 3:00 P.M.
Building 3, Goett Auditorium
"Climate Change: On the
Brink of Disaster and the Brink of Salvation"
While the physics of climate
change is well understood, much less well understood is how it
will impact humans. What we can see is that the impacts of
climate change are strongly non-linear and we can expect them to
accelerate in the future. The good news is that the price of
alternative, climate-safe energy is rapidly dropping. For the
first time, we are able to largely solve the climate problem by
transitioning away from fossil fuels at little or no cost to
society. At this point, climate change is not a scientific or
technical problem, but a political one.
About the Speaker:
Andrew Dessler is a climate scientist who studies both the
science and politics of climate change. He is a Professor of
Atmospheric Sciences and director of Texas A&M's Texas
Center for Climate Studies. His scientific research revolves
around climate feedbacks, in particular how water vapor and
clouds act to amplify warming from the carbon dioxide that
humans emit. He is also interested in the intersection of
climate change and human society, with the goal of helping us
better cope with the impacts of climate change. This includes
work quantifying climate extremes and how climate change can
alter them, as well as analyzing how climate change will stress
crucial energy, water, and other infrastructure and human
systems. During the last year of the Clinton Administration, he
served as a Senior Policy Analyst in the White House Office of
Science and Technology Policy. Based on his research and policy
experience, he has authored two books on climate change: The
science and politics of global climate change: A guide to the
debate (Cambridge University Press, 3rd ed. 2019,
co-written with Edward Parson), and Introduction to modern
climate change (Cambridge University Press, 3rd ed.
2021). This latter book won the 2014 American Meteorological
Society Louis J. Battan Author's Award. Prior to his work on
climate, his research focused on stratospheric photochemistry.
He authored the book The chemistry and physics of
stratospheric ozone (Academic Press, 2000) about his work
on that subject. In 2011, in recognition of his work on
outreach, he was named a Google Science Communication Fellow. In
2021, he won the American Geophysical Union's Climate
Communication Award. He is a Fellow of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science and the American Geophysical
Union. From 2012-2015, he was Chair of the AAAS section on
Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences. He is currently
President-elect of the AGU's Global Environmental Change
section. He served for 7 years as a member of NASA's Earth
Science Advisory Committee and twice served on NASA's Senior
Review of Operating Missions. His educational background
includes a B.A. in physics from Rice University and a Ph.D. in
chemistry from Harvard University. He also did postdoctoral work
at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and spent nine years on
the research faculty of the University of Maryland. Prior to
graduate school, he worked in the energy group at The First
Boston Corporation doing mergers and acquisitions analysis. He
lives in College Station, TX with his wife, two kids, and two
lazy dogs.
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