Scientific Colloquium
January 31, 2018, 3:30 p.m.
"Compound and Concurrent
Climate Extremes: Detection, Modeling and Risk
Human activities in the past
century have caused an increase in global temperature.
Ground-based observations show a substantial increase in extreme
rainfall events, hot spells and heatwaves. A combination of
climate events (e.g., low precipitation and high temperatures)
may cause a significant impact on the ecosystem and society,
although individual events involved may not be severe extremes
themselves – a notion known as compound extremes. Numerous
studies have focused on how different types of extremes have
changed or might change in the future. However, only few studies
have addressed changes in compound and concurrent events. This
presentation focuses on three different types of concurrent and
compound extremes including drought-heatwaves, sea level
rise-terrestrial flooding, and meteorological-anthropogenic
drought. We present different methodological frameworks for
detecting, modeling and risk assessment of concurrent and
compound extremes using ground-based and remote sensing
About the Speaker:
Amir AghaKouchak is an Associate Professor of Civil and
Environmental Engineering at the University of California,
Irvine. His research focuses on climate extreme and crosses the
boundaries between hydrology, climatology, remote sensing. He is
the recipient of the AGU Hydrologic Sciences Early Career Award.
Amir’s group has developed models for monitoring and assessing
climatic extremes including the Global Integrated Drought
Monitoring and Prediction System (GIDMaPS). He is the Principal
Investigator of several federally funded grants from NASA, NSF,
and NOAA. He is currently Editor of AGU’s Earth’s Future.
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