Scientific Colloquium
October 31, 2017, 3:30 p.m., Building 3 Auditorium    


Anne Thompson

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Winner of the 2018 Nordberg Award

Anne Thompson

Currently the Senior Scientist for Atmospheric Chemistry at NASA Goddard, Dr. Thompson’s 1980s studies were among the first to link chemical changes (methane, ozone increases) and climate forcings. Since 1990, she has focused on the interaction of human impacts and natural variability on atmospheric composition, using data from satellites, aircraft, ship and ground-based experiments. Dr. Thompson is Principal Investigator for the tropical SHADOZ network and author of 250-plus publications including contributions to IPCC and UNEP/WMO Ozone Assessments. Her awards include the William Nordberg Medal of COSPAR, the American Meteorological Society’s Verner Suomi Award and AGU’s Roger Revelle Medal. Thompson is a Corresponding member of the Academy of Athens. She is Adjunct Faculty at the University of Maryland-College Park and Penn State University, where she was a Professor of Meteorology, 2005-2013, directing 14 graduate students. In 2010-2011, Dr. Thompson was a Fulbright Scholar in South Africa, studying regional pollution from urbanization and fires.