Scientific Colloquium
February 15, 2008
"The Wave(length)s of the
Future: Observing Star and Planet Formation with ALMA and Herschel"
A major new discovery frontier in
astrophysics is opening due to the relatively new capability of
telescopes and detectors to reach into far-infrared, submillimeter, and
millimeter wavelengths. Two major such observatories are set to
lead the way in the near future, peering deep into the hidden cores of
dense interstellar clouds where young stars are forming, and revealing
the structure, composition, and dynamics of those fertile zones around
young stars where planets are likely to form and thrive. I will
discuss the the new capabilities we will have and the discoveries we
are poised to make with ALMA, a ground-based millimeter-wavelength
telescope array under construction in Chile, and with the Herschel
Space Observatory, an ESA space telescope to launch within a year, with
NASA partnership. Recent exciting discoveries of infant
stars and extra-solar planetary systems using current facilities set
the framework for breakthroughs with these two new complementary