Scientific Colloquium
May 11, 2012
"Processing Volatiles in Terrestrial Planets during
Accretion: Setting the Stage for Plate Tectonics"
A persistent problem in
planetary science is how and when plate tectonics can begin in
planetary evolution. On Earth, plate tectonics is thought to be
facilitated by the low-viscosity asthenosphere, which obtains
its low viscosity partly through low pressure, and partly
through a water content on the order of hundreds of parts per
million, likely trapped in the crystal structure of nominally
anhydrous silicate minerals. Subduction zones introduce water
contents of that magnitude to the mantle that circulates above
the sinking oceanic plate, and subduction zones are sometimes
cited as the process that hydrates an originally dry planetary
interior. Thus there is a chicken-and-egg problem: If a damp
asthenosphere is needed for plate tectonics, but plate tectonics
itself creates the damp asthenosphere, how does the process
initiate? I will present models for the interior water content
of the Earth following accretion, and hypothesize about dynamic
processes that may have sped the development of plate tectonics,
including solid-state overturn following magma ocean
solidification, and early tidal heating. These results suggest
that larger planets are more likely to have early conditions
suitable for plate tectonics.