Scientific Colloquium
March 21, 2014
"The First Year of Human
Habitation, and Science, at the Geographic South Pole"
The speaker was a scientific
member of the first wintering-over party at the International
Geophysical Year (IGY) Amundsen-Scott South-Pole Station in
1957. In addition to his scientific duties as the seismology
lead and as an assistant to the ionosphere and aurora programs,
he collected a comprehensive set of historical graphical
material depicting the first wintering-over experience both
inside and outside the South Pole Station. He will use this
material to illustrate that first winter at the South Pole and
will relate this experience to his nearly 50 years of active
space-borne radio-sounding research at Goddard and to later
scientific research conducted from the South Pole by others.
About the speaker:
Robert F. Benson is an emeritus scientist in the Geospace
Physics Laboratory (Code 673) of the Heliophysics Science
Division at Goddard. He obtained a B.S. in geophysics from the
University of Minnesota before working as an IGY scientist in
Antarctica. He returned to the University of Minnesota for a
M.S. in physics and then earned a Ph.D. in geophysics from the
Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska in 1963. After
one year as an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Astronomy at the University of Minnesota he came to Goddard as a
NASA/NRC Postdoctoral Research Associate before becoming a Civil
Servant scientist in 1965 where his main research interest has
been the investigation of linear and nonlinear plasma-wave
phenomena using data from radio sounders on ionospheric and
magnetospheric satellites.